Monday, October 18, 2010


I went to Vsetin Friday night to hang with Calan and then she and I went to Bratislava. We met Brock at the train station and then waited for Hungarian group to arrive. While we were waiting Calan and I stood on a bench and played the "name which car is Franky's" game. It occupied our time until she and I got yelled at by a Slovakian bus driver. Since he was super rude from the start, I just played the "dumb American" card and pretended I didn't know what he was saying...he didn't like us too much. Oh well. I have to say that the Slovaks we met weren't the friendliest people in the world.
We finally met up with Franky, Kent, and Emily M from Hungary and set off on our journey. We found a small restaurant for lunch and then explored the city.
We found our way to a cheese store and I had to stop and pose for some pics because everyone knows how much I love cheese...NOT. Franky was inside getting us directions to the "dog show" in Senec and a hotel to stay at.
There was suppose to be Vizsla dog show going on that weekend in Senec, which is about a 15 minute drive from Bratislava. Franky owns a Vizsla (Luna) and people call my dog (Nalla) a grey Vizla (even though she is a Weimer) because they are cousins and look similar. So, I went with Franky to Senec and the rest of the gang explored more of Bratislava. Unfortunately, we drove around and around and around and around, met some nice and interesting people, while trying to get information about the "dog show" and it was no where to be found. We still had a great mini road trip and a lot of laughs. We will have to find out when it really is and make a return trip!
We headed back and met up with the gang. We found a restaurant to have dinner and the went next door to the pub where a band called The Cellmates played 1950's music and we all sang and danced. We had so much together as a group!!! The Hungarian and Czech teachers are just a blast to hang out with! I can't wait until the next time we get together. I think another night of "fun" is in order soon!! You can check out my pics on Facebook.

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