Saturday, July 9, 2011

Last Week of School

June 30, 2011

I just am still amazed by how fast this year has gone.  I remember almost 1 year ago, walking into Gymnazium Pierre De Coubertina and thinking how nervous I was to be there.  I didn't know what to teach, how I was going to teacher, or where I was going to teach.  Would the students like me?  Would I be prepared?  Would I know what I was doing???  Now, one year later, I am so sad that it has gone by so fast.  This year has been one of the best teaching years of my life.  I absolutely loved working with my Czech students and teaching them about America and writing.  I was able to introduce some fun American short stories and hopefully pass on a love of learning.
  The last week of school has been so bitter-sweet.  As with every year, by the last week of school, you are ready to be done teaching...(that's the sweet part)...but it was also bitter because I was so sad to have to say goodbye to my students and amazing colleagues.
   My 3D students threw a going away party for me and gave me the most beautiful heart necklace so I would never forget them.  Some of my V5G students gave me some very sweet going away presents as well...
   On the last day of school (June 30th) we had a staff party at our local pub.  Most of the staff was there to celebrate the end of the year and enjoy each other's company.  I definitely wasn't prepared for the AMAZING thoughtfulness of my kabinet and friends.  Romana and my friends presented me with a huge photograph in which they had spelled out my name with their bodies.  It took 11 people to spell out my name and it was a complete surprise for me.  I had no idea they were going to do that and as soon as I was presented with the photo, the tears began to fall.  I felt very loved and appreciated and I am going to treasure the photo forever.  After the photo was given, the staff band played Stand By Me (in English) in my honor and  I was just so touched!!!!  It is so important in life, to work with people who you like, and who like you, and this year was no exception.  The staff embraced me and made me feel like family.   I know that I have made some life long friendship and I am not saying "goodbye" but "see you later (alligator)"

Thank you Gymnazium Pierre De Coubertina for everything!

The Staff Band

Zuzka, Iva, Romana, and Martin (some of my favorite people in the world).  These four people, along with many others became instant friends.  They helped me, taught me, and became family!

Petra and me.  When I first came to GPdC, Petra didn't speak much English and she didn't talk with me much.  Soon we began helping each other out.  She helped me with my Czech and I helped her with her English and I am so proud to say by the end of the year, she and I were talking ALL the time.  Petra is an amazing person and teacher and I am so lucky to call her my friend!!

Flowers from the staff on the last day of school.  Absolutely beautiful flowers and even after two weeks, still smell wonderful in my flat :)

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